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“Air Force Successfully Neutralizes Drone Swarm with Revolutionary Microwave Technology”

THOR stands for Tactical High-power Operational Responder. Adrian Lucero / US Air Force

In a recent test, the Air Force successfully used a weapon called THOR to take down drones with microwave energy. The demonstration took place in April and proved to be an effective method of neutralizing airborne threats.

THOR, which stands for Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder, is a non-lethal weapon that emits high-powered microwaves to disrupt and disable electronics. This technology can be used to protect military bases, airports, and other sensitive areas from drone attacks.

The Air Force has been working on developing counter-drone technology for several years, as the use of unmanned aerial vehicles continues to grow. Drones are often used for surveillance and reconnaissance, but they can also be weaponized and used to carry out attacks.

In addition to THOR, the Air Force has also been testing other counter-drone technologies, such as lasers and jamming devices. These tools are designed to detect and disable drones before they can cause any harm.

As drone technology continues to evolve, it’s important for the military and other organizations to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to defense. With weapons like THOR in their arsenal, the Air Force is well-equipped to handle any airborne threats that may arise.

Original Article – https://www.popsci.com/technology/thor-weapon-drone-swarm-test/

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