Drone News From Drone Space

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How Intelligent Drones Can Assist in Rapid Response to Environmental Changes

Drones have become increasingly popular for a wide range of tasks, including remote sensing, material delivery, and communication relays. However, their swarm mechanics have remained largely dormant, with teams of animators pre-programming their movements and hours of computer simulations refining them. Now, researchers are developing algorithms to provide coordinated control of drone swarms, enhancing their fleet-like service delivery.

The team aims to use computation on drones to locally make smart decisions and relay that information to the operator’s computer to make clear visualizations, allowing human operators to make high-level decisions. The researchers will investigate two preliminary application scenarios, including aerial sensing of a forest fire and aerial surveillance of a company building and campus. The Kostas Research Institute at Northeastern University has committed to funding the studies with a $1.7 million grant.

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